Thursday, February 28, 2013

Public Speaking

Today had to be one of the easiest class day in my entire college career. I had to do a 4-6 minute informative speech on any subject of my choosing, so naturally I elected to talk about Star Wars. The Star Wars films are among some of my all time favorites so it was pretty effortless for me to talk about it for four minutes. But today I felt like I was finally starting to come out of shell by talking to a group of people I don't know very well about something I truly enjoy. Ever since I can remember I've always been in somebodies shadow because I was the youngest one in the family. I'm always being compared to my father and my brother but today while I speaking I felt like all people really saw was who I am. Now the speech isn't long and it isn't a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination but it was such a freeing feeling to share with other people something I love.....Then I call everyone in my class a nerfherder and nobody understood the reference.

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