Monday, February 25, 2013

I hate partying

Last night was the last home game for my college's basketball game team this seasons, so naturally everybody wanted to go turn up somewhere after the game. I hadn't been to a party in a while so I decided to go out with a few friends and attempt to  turn up too. But what I had forgotten was I go to Oakwood University home of the weakest parties and weakest party people in the damn country. After hopping from wack party to wack party I quickly realized why I  no longer attend parties at this school..because they fucking suxxx ( with three X's so you know it's extreme). Every single think I utterly hate about going to parties I experienced last night.

The first thing I hate about going out are the hypebeasts. Hypebeasts we are aware of all you out there and we are also aware of the fact they you don't purchase shoes unless they're popular. It's one thing to have style it's another to look like a complete douchebag in public. What truly pisses me off about hypebeasts is the fact that they take as much time as females to get ready to go out and they act like females when they get to the party. They get to the party stand on a wall and won't dance with any females because they don't want to mess up there swag, bet let a Drake song come on these pricks will push women out the way to get on the dance floor and have there own personal music videos. That just seems a little homosexual to me.

 Hypebeasts are already bad enough but at every party there's always a guy there who is way to intoxicated. The drunk guy will always show up to a party not to party but to get as shit faced as they possible can. Then the next day they will talked about how shit faced they were as if I'm suppose to be impressed with how many beers who had or how cool you are for pissing you pants. Bro seriously I don't give a fuck and you should seriously consider getting your shit together, because being an alcoholic isn't cool. Now I'm not saying drinking at a party is bad but everyone should know there limits nobody wants to be that person who drank way to much and passes out in the toilet. God forbid a hypebeast gets wasted he liable to play Marvin's Room and call his ex girlfriend from sophomore year of high school asking why there relationship didn't last.

Drunks and Hypebeast are quite annoying but there is nothing that pisses me off more about parting or going out to the club more them some of these females out here. I go to Oakwood a school that secretly has some of the freakest women in Huntsville. Oakwood has all the hoes but the hoes we got here are great at hiding it. During the week they look and act like this

But from sunset Friday night to about 4 am Sunday morning they look and act like this

Females will spend hours getting dress, doing there hair, checking themselves out in the mirror, and then using that same mirror to snap picture of themselves to put on instagram just to show up a party and seat down somewhere, take up space on  the wall, or dance amongst themselves. So now we have resipe for a weak ass party, on one side of the dance floor week got women twerking on each other and on the other side we got hypebeasts have there own personal music videos as their favorite Drake song plays in the background  Then some people have the nerve to charge people to come their parties and experience this wack shit.

Going out to the club is the biggest waste of time and money that I've every experience in my whole life. It's cost me $10 bucks to get in and these assholes are going to try and charge $8 for a out of you god damn mind if you think Obeezy is dropping $8 for a beer. but that's not even the worst part women in club are constantly bitch about random shit and ain't nobody got on time for that. They will be in my ear all night asking me to buy them a drink so I can listen to them bitch and moan about how their feet hurt. Ok first off you got into the club tonight for free cause it's ladies night, Secondly you didn't bring any money with you because you knew at least one guy would buy a drink, and third of all nobody told you to put on them high heels. Ain't nobody got no time to listen to your problems cause shit I got my own problems. Why would I put up with all this bullshit for the slim chance to have to have a one stand, but now that I've matured a little bit all that effort I put into going out really isn't worth it. Plus all hot chicks hang out with a group of friends that look like this

<<===SHIT GOD DAMN!!!!! These girls share the same beliefs as the Marines when it comes to nobody left behind. If cocking blocking was a sports these broke bitches would be Super Bowl MVPs and Heisman winners. But the worst part about these tragic excuses for women is the fact that they wear clothes that just should come in certain sizes.

I guess I'm really not about this partying/ clubbing lifestyle cause i just ain't no time for that shit. Now I'm not against hangout with few people and having a little kickback but outside of that I really don't care. If your about that partying life more power to you but Obeezy ain't got no time for that shit.