Monday, February 4, 2013

The MAN APPROVED Vehicles I Wish I Had In College

Bumblebee,a transforming Camaro, is perhaps the ultimate wet dream of a car for any kid attending college.Think about how awesome it would be to not only have a Camaro(The greatest car ever made) but a Camaro that happens to be your own personal Autobot protector. How many people you know drive a damn Autobot around campus? The only downside to owning car like bumblebee is the constant fear that he'll end up bring a gigantic ancient intergalactic alien war to you school, or him accidentally stepping on somebody.

The Mystery Machine
Owning a van in your twenties is only cool if you happen to own the Mystery Machine or a van similar to it like the A-Team Van. What I find awesome about the Mystery Machine the fact that it allows me to take my team with me on ridiculous adventures throughout my college experience. \It would hands down be the ultimate spring break machine. With a van like you are obligated by the bro code to invite you friends to drive around smoke weed and then take some girls out to the Drive Inn. The only downside to owning the Mystery Machine is the fact that it'll always run out of gas in the creepiest places when you try to take a short cut.

The Tumbler
Honestly this is one of the more impractical vehicles on this list. Essentially it's a fucking tank, and that's why it had to make this list. Think about all the power you would have driving this beast of a car around campus. What professor would dare give you and F or count you absent for class when they know you Tumbler outside ready to destroy there car. Nobody would dare cut you off on the highway and you can literally park this big bitch anywhere you want. If you're a cop you either have to have balls of steel or a death wish trying to put a parking ticket on this whip. There are numerous downside to owning a vehicle like this one which being fulling this gigantic bastard up....hell what does the damn thing run on anyway? Also there's only on seat, so on else can enjoy the mayhem you create but you.Then you really have to ask yourself if a tank is really what you want as your main mode of transportation.

The Dolorean
I would get my Marty Mcfly on in this blast from the past. Now like most college students I find it hard to wake up in the morning and I sometimes miss class. If I had my Dolorean I could make time my bitch and do things on my schedule. Forgot to study for my finals and I overslept and missed a final, I guess my life is over right? Not when I can hop in my Dolorean go back in time and tell my past self to get his shit together. The only downside to owning the Dolorean is the fact that the power of time travel shouldn't be put in the hands of a random college kid. I'm liable to go back in time and assault the asshole who invented math because i'm hard time doing my homework.

The Mach 5
Deep down inside all of us is an inner speed demon and the Mach 5 is the car I choose to release my inner speed demon. Honestly having a race car in college is the quickest way to either kill yourself or go bankrupt with speeding tickets. Plus race cars are horrible on gas mileage and ain't nobody got no time for a gas guzzling race car in college. Then on top of that I don't want have to worry about some little kid and his monkey hiding in my trunk while I'm out being reckless.


YEE-HAW!!!!! The General Lee has to be the most durable car on this list. I could literally jump anything in this car and wouldn't have to worry about any structural damage or bodily injury coming to me or the car. The only draw backs to owning the General Lee is the fact that one i'm black, two I go to any HBCU, and three I go to school in Alabama. A black guy cruising around in an orange 69' Charger named after a confederate general with gigantic confederate flag isn't exactly the best look. But the fact that I get to slide across my hood and hope through my window to get in my car almost makes this irresistible to own.

It's one thing to have a dope car in college, any asshole can drive a cool car, but this isn't a car. The Millennium Falcon is the most bad ass vehicle anyone could hope to own in college. Most dudes take girls out to dinner and a movie...weak shit compared to me taking these dames to the FOREST FUCKING MOON OF ENDOR!!!!! The fact that I get a Wookie co piolet makes this vehicle a straight up panty dropper. Now while this a pretty bitchin' ride there are a few draw backs to owning the Falcon. The first and most obvious is where the hell do I keep a star ship that can make the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs? Then there the matter of taking care of this damn wookie. I'm barely qualified to take care of myself let alone a wookie. I fell like some dumbass at my school would scary my wookie and he would end up ripping that dumbasses arms off.

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