Friday, March 8, 2013

Obeezy's Man Approved April 2013 Movie Guide

April 5th
Jurassic Park 3D 
The first film that I'm going to run out and see like 45 times is the Imax 3D re release of Jurassic Park. It's been a legit 20 years since the film was last in cinemas and fans of the franchise now have the chance to re live the magic of Jurassic Park once again.  "Hold on to your butts".
The Company You Keep

This is the new Robert Redford film featuring an all star cast of  talented veteran actors....oh yeah and Shia LaBeouf is in it too. The movie looks pretty interesting but depending on where you are in the country you might not get to see it in cinemas, because of the films limited release. I'm not in a super rush to go see it but if the chance arises for me to take in this film I might indulge myself and go see it, BUT NOT BEFORE JURASSIC PARK!!!!!!
April 19
This film might be my sleeper hit of the Spring. I remember seeing the first trailer for the film and not really being interested, I thought to myself "oh great another Tom Cruise movie, whats this 50 year old  midget going to be running from this time?" Then I did some research on the film and found out that Joseph Kosinski (Tron Legacy) would be directing and Claudio Miranda (Tron Legacy, Life of Pi) would be providing the cinematography fresh off his Oscar win for :Life of Pi. Then I got my mind blown when I found out M83 would step into the role Daft Punk did on Tron Legacy and provide the music for the film. When you mix all those ingredients together and bake for 25 minutes at 325 degrees you have the possible makings of a next level game changing man approved movie.

April 26
Pain & Gain

Pain & Gain, the new Michael Bay movie featuring Mark Walhberg, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, and Anthony Mackie as body builders turned criminals, with Miami as the backdrop for the film.  I've been hyped to see this film for many reason one of which being that I'm  tired of see Michael Bay blow shit up in the Transformers franchise .. I want to see him blow shit up in more original movies too. This movie also has a pretty small budget for a Michael Bay film of a around $25 million, making it the cheapest Michael Bay film since Bad Boy which a had a budget of around $18 million. This low budget might actually be a good thing, instead of a movie driven by explosions and CGI effects we should expect to see a more character and story driven film from Mr. Bay....but I really wouldn't hold my breathe hoping for that.

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