Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Twilight Zone Episodes

As a kid I can remember my mum being a pretty big  fan of the Twilight Zone, but the theme music use to scare the hell out of me so I never use to watch the show with her. Then one New Years Eve during my freshmen year of high they ran a 24 hour marathon and I decided to watch it. Ever since then I've been hooked on the show  and I've probably recorded  most of the episodes on my DVR. So I've decided to create a small list of my favorite episodes.

 Dead Man's Shoes
This episode is my favorite because of how bad ass the main character Dane is. Dane is a gangster who slaps hoes, drinks tequila with a cube of a sugar, and pretty much what ever the hell else he feels like. The guy's such a bad ass that it literally rubs off on his shoes. Your shit out of luck if  he has a grudge against you because nothing even death can stop him from seeking vengeance. The Episode opens up a with some guys who we can only assume are gangsters because there dumping a body in an alley. A homeless guy sees the whole thing and goes to investigate the dead guy. While investigating this poor dead bastard he notices that this unlucky son of a bitch has some bitchin' shoes and decides that the shoes would better serve him and steals them. Well turns out them mother fucking shoes are possessed by the vengeful spirit of Dane out for revenge against the men that killed him. Funniest part of the episode is when he slaps the ever loving shit out of his girlfriend for no reason!!!! Ok domestic violence isn't funny but the slap comes out of no where and caught me by surprise the first time I saw it and I thought it was the funniest shit in the world. 

 The Howling Man
This episode kicks ass in so many way, the first of which is the camera work and cinematography that helps give the episode a very creepy feel. The story is about this dumb ass who gets caught in this freak storm while on a walking trip in Europe, while trying to find shelter from the storm he discovers a castle full of a bunch of died hard Moses enthuses. Jerome is the leader of this group of old testament posers and reluctantly allows David Ellington (the previously mentioned dumb ass)  to wait the storm out in the castle. Oh and by the way there is a loud howling in castle which Jerome claims is the Devil himself, who is lock up in a cell within the castle. You know just normal every day run of the mill creep castle shit.  David is allowed to stay as long as he doesn't go fucking around with the Devil. By this point you know shit can only get crazier from there...and it does.

The Masks 
Set in New Orleans during Mardi Gras, the story is  about Jason Foster, a wealthy elderly man who's dying. So before he dies he invites his daughter Emily and her family out to visit him in his final moments of life. The first thing you need to know about Emily and her family is that they're all assholes in their own ways. Emily is a self centered hypochondriac who can only seem to bitch and moan about her own problems, her husband Wilferd is a greedy business man, their daughter Paula is a vain bitch, and Wilferd Jr. is sadistic bully. From the very first moment they appear on screen you want all of them to be crushed by a boulder cause they are just the biggest group of assholes to have ever existed. Anyway back to the point, their grandfather tells them that all they have have to do to inherit everything in his will is to wear masks he has specifically picked out for them until midnight. Failure to do so will results in them receiving nothing, so they oblige the old man in his odd request. by the end of the night we all find out why the masks are so special. 

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