Sunday, March 24, 2013

Conjugal Visitation Day

Today is my dorm's open house, on this day we are allowed to have females in our rooms from 12-2, provided we follow a few rules. Our suite doors as well as our room doors must remain open at all times, also our "lady friend guests" must check in down in the lobby before they are allowed to come into our rooms. So basically our dorm has set up a conjugal visit for our good behavior. Warden I mean Dean would probably take our conjugal visits I mean open house away if we have a riot on the yard.

The school must assume it's going to be an all out fuck fest on open house days, but in all actuality nothing really happens. Now I'm not going to say that some people don't get their freak on, but for the most part nothing really happens.Honestly all that really happen is your "lady friend guest" comes to your room sits on your bed and watches you and your friends play 2K and listen to the Action Bronson mixtape. Basically on this day from 12-2 I get experience what real college is, In real college they don't give two shits and fuck who I have in my dorm room.  But at 2:01 I'm quickly snapped back to the bleak reality that I'm not in real college....I'm at the boring, old fashion, close minded institution of high learning known as Oakwood University, a school who's mind set for the most part is stuck in the 1950's... Bullocks.

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