Friday, January 25, 2013


This year I was treated to perhaps the best Christmas present that I could hope for....a brand new Steven Spielberg film and not only that but it was a biopic about our 16th president good ole' Abraham Lincoln. When I found out Daniel Day Lewis was set to play the led role of Lincoln and would have an amazing supporting cast featuring amazing talent like Tommy Lee Jones, Jackie Earl Haley, Sally Field, Jared Harris, and Joseph Gordon Levitt even shows like for like 5 minutes. Needless to say my mind was already blown before I had even seen the film, but when I finally did see the film I was completely blown away by it. It was perhaps one of the most man approved movies of last year. I love how the story didn't focus on the war but on the struggles the president had to go through to get the 13th amendment pasted. It had me so emotional involved in the story that by the I almost cried...the key word being almost. After I saw the film on the ride home all I could think about was the amazing performance that Daniel Day Lewis had given and I began to reflect upon all of his other films and then it hit me. The last Daniel Day Lewis film that I enjoy on almost the same level as Lincoln was Gangs of New York film by another great filmmaker in Martin Scorsese, but here's what really blew my mind is that both of films occur at the same time in our nation's history and both of Lewis' characters exist at the same time but are complete opposites of each other. 

 It's basically a doppelganger between the two characters in a film that is occurring at the same time in history as the other film. Bill the Butcher is a bitter glassed eyed racist who really hates a lot things, to be fair I would be pretty bitter to if I had a glass eye. Overall he feels that the country he know and loves is changing and he hates it. Leading this wave of change is the president Lincoln so he naturally hates Lincoln. One of the only things that these to men can seem to agree upon is there love for tall top hats.

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