Friday, January 25, 2013

A small introduction to me

I've finally stop procrastinating and got around to starting this blog. I didn't start this blog so I could have a reason to go the local Starbucks drink coffee and type in public. I started it to have place to voice my opinions and hopefully have an audience willing to listen......Mostly I'll be writing about film and other random man approved stuff that I think is pretty interesting. But before we get into all that let me tell you a little bit about me. I'm a college student at this random college in Alabama called Oakwood. It's a SDA (Seventh Day Adventist) college that I didn't know existed until my junior year of high school when my brother started attending. Now I've never attended a church school outside of my daycare when I was a kid, so these are totally different experiences  for me. The biggest difference between this church school and public school are all the damn rules we have. We legit have a metric shit ton of rules at this school....seriously I didn't have this many rules when I was in high school. We have a student handbook that I believe literally has a new rule added to it each day. God forbid you choose not to follow any of them because the school will fine the shit out of you. I could live with all the rules we have if the school would allow us to have visiting hours for girls to be in our rooms and they got rid of the curfew. Serious we're all adults here and I think it's kind juvenile  to have a curfew for grow ass people. I understand a freshmen curfew because lets face it no matter what college you attend at least 8 in every 10 freshmen are mindless and unnaturally reckless. The other thing I think is stupid is the fact that I can't have any females in my room at.....all. The men's dorms do occasionally have open houses where females can come into our rooms between set hours. So they're basically setting up a conjugal visit. I find this rule to be the stupidest of all of them because they're trying to prevent students from having sex. Now that's all fine that some if not most of the students are trying to maintain their virginitys for marriage but your not going to stop hoes down for the sucking and the fucking from being hoes down for the sucking and the fucking.Now this doesn't mean that I think all women are hoes but what I'm trying to say is this is college not daycare center so cut the umbilical core and pop the tit out of these students mouths and let us be adults. When I get my first apartment is my landlord going to give me a curfew and tell me that I can't have dames in my swinging bachelor pad? Hell to the no because I'm a grown ass man. But what do I really know I'm just some guy with a blog, maybe one day I'll look back on these rule and miss them ( which highly doubt that I will). At the end of the day the check cleared and Oakwood has my money so I guess I got to make the best out of it. So in the mean time I'll be posting ridiculous non sense and my thoughts on them to this blog.

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